14 May 2024 – Australian Government Budget

What will the Australian Government budget deliver?

Each year, the Toowoomba Chamber in partnership with RSM Australia unpacks the Australian Government budget for individuals, businesses, the region, and Australia.

This year, with the current combination of volatile geo-political conditions, a waning Asian economy, ongoing cost of living pressures and tighter business margins, the Australian Government response is critical to Australia’s long-term sustainability and security, and particularly our region.

Australian Government Budget 24

So, what can we expect?

New cost of living relief measures? Measures to build business confidence? Fight inflation? Avoid recession? Enhance productivity? Tax reform? Holistic housing reforms?

Maybe, investment in nation-building projects like rail? Or investment in our region’s food security, renewables, health, etc.?

The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has called for policy impact analysis on proposed legislative or regulatory measures, permanent energy efficiency grants, an extension of the small business energy incentive, changes to the Privacy Act, and much more.

On Thursday, Will Laird on RSM Australia will take a detailed look at the Australian Government budget. What it promises? The economic headwinds, and opportunities. How it will impact our local business community.

Will, will be joined by April Cavanagh, Chief Executive Officer of Toowoomba Surat Basin Enterprise, Fabrizio Carmignani is a Professor of Economics and Head of School and Dean (Business) at the University of Southern Queensland, and Toowoomba Mayor, Geoff McDonald. All providing their insights into this nation-defining budget and what it means for Toowoomba and the region.

Want to join the conversation? Grab tickets from the Toowoomba Chamber website or share how the Australian Government budget has impacted positively or negatively on your business by emailing admin@toowoombachamber.com.au

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