The Business Sentiment Index has the Toowoomba Business Chamber in partnership with the Toowoomba Surat Basin Enterprise and McCrindle to better understand the sentiment and perceptions of local businesses to inform our advocacy and develop evidence-based solutions to assist in standing up for business and fighting for policy change.

This work as critical.  An enabler to support and work on behalf of the broader business community.  To stand up for rights and interests of the business.  To help Toowoomba get what it rightfully deserves.  To put a spotlight on what you really think at a local, state, and national level.

The Business Sentiment Index survey is your opportunity to be heard and have your voice, in a confidential way, without fear of retribution.

To assist us in driving positive change, we are building a bank of understanding of what is at play in our local business environment.  To do that, we urge you to be heard by completing the recently deployed survey to the business community.  The survey is valuable in that it will:

  • gather evidence of the issues and pressures facing local businesses;
  • collect data on current and future programs/initiatives;
  • understand how businesses are performing, their future sentiment and a detailed understanding of how conditions are affecting the business community in Toowoomba; and
  • get insights to understand changing trends

The survey, developed by Toowoomba Chamber member, McCrindle is an index that measures conditions, performance, and sentiment along with space for custom questions to better understand the needs of the business community within a geographic region

Business Sentiment Index luncheon Mark McCrindle

TOOWOOMBA Business Sentiment Index

Known as the Business Performance Sentiment Index or PSI this business engagement tool is designed to help understand the ongoing perception business owners have of their business performance, conditions, and sentiment.  Importantly, the results can be tracked over time to reveal the impact of external trends, local programs, and nuances in regions.

The Business PSI was designed to be distributed in our local area to measure economic conditions, regulatory settings, and infrastructure in our local context. This allows for nuanced understanding of business performance and conditions, right here in our region.

The survey also measures current performance, with metrics derived from their actual earnings, expenses, staffing numbers, as well as sentiment – their economic cost and growth forecast and expectations of the six months ahead.

APRIL Toowoomba Business Sentiment Index
Be Heard and take the Business Sentiment Index Survey

create a clearer business picture

Additionally, it is a longitudinal instrument, and so business performance can be compared by region over time to get real-time analysis of local economic characteristics. The results help see the impact of local policies, investment, and infrastructure development, as well as measuring the impact of state and national issues and economic conditions.

The outcomes of the research will be presented by Australia’s leading social demographer and commentator Mark McCrindle on 28 July 2022 (tickets on sale soon).  Mark is an award-winning social researcher, best-selling author, and influential thought leader, and he is regularly commissioned to deliver strategy and advice to the boards and executive committees of some of Australia’s leading organisations.

Go to the Toowoomba Chamber website, fill out the business sentiment index survey, and be heard. 

Let’s build an arsenal of evidence, so we can together collectively create a tidal wave of positive change that benefits the business community and the region.

For more information, email the Toowoomba Chamber at

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