At 9 am on Monday 29 August 2022, the BEA 2022 applications for the Focus HR Business Excellence Awards 2022 proudly presented by the Toowoomba Chamber will close.
We are a city of enormous promise and great potential.
We have over 16,703 registered businesses within the Toowoomba local government boundaries. 98.6% of all businesses have 19 employees or less. The city and region are built on the back of small business.
These numbers are so impressive, and the awards aim to showcase, celebrate, promote, and recognise the massive contribution the business community makes to the region.

The Focus HR BEA22 provides an incomparable opportunity to:
- shine a spotlight on you;
- build your reputation of excellence inside and outside of your industry;
- set yourself apart from your competition; and
- elevate your brand.
This year, the application and judging processes have been further streamlined, allowing nominees, to submit a short-written application online via our website, to meet with the judges on-site or at an agreed location and to submit a short video pitch. Significantly, we have committed to provide all applicants feedback on areas of improvement and areas of excellence by mid-December 2022.
We urge all businesses to apply, as we believe, the process offers a time to reflect on your business. Ultimately, the process is designed to return real value to your businesses in your quest for excellence and growth.
BEA 2022 Application Close Soon
The business community is highly connected in Toowoomba. The local business network is considered one of the region’s key strengths. The awards provide the opportunity to continue to build relationships with other outstanding businesses.
In the words of the naming rights partner, Naomi Wilson of Focus HR, “We don’t do that often enough do we … shine the spotlight on what is great, on what should be celebrated, on what we’ve achieved. We can so easily get caught up in the daily grind of getting-shit-done in business. We jump one hurdle, then brace ourselves for the next; reach one goal and look to the next horizon; rarely stopping to shine that spotlight on what we’ve achieved.
“The Focus HR BEA22 are the chance to share with the world, or at least Toowoomba, where our story has brought us these past 12 months. And the proud history of winners of the Chamber Business Excellence Awards shows us that there are so many stories worth sharing. We are proud to be a small part of that history.
With applications closing at 9am on Monday 29 August 2022, we urge and encourage you to get to the Toowoomba Chamber website, grab your apply log in and fill out your application to be in the running for the Focus HR BEA22 proudly presented by the Toowoomba Chamber will close.