A health crisis derailed many in the event industry.  But we are hitting back.  And I believe, we are on target to build beyond the findings of a study commissioned by the Events Industry Council in 2018 which revealed 1.5 billion people participate in events every year.   A whopping 2.5 trillion dollars in direct and indirect spending occurs in communities because of events that employed directly and indirectly 26 million people.  Yes, more people than currently living in Australia.

Toowoomba Chamber Events

In Australia, the Business Events Council of Australia affirms that events are a major economic driver for the economy.  Yes, events are BIG business with a massive economic and social benefit to local communities and small businesses. 

In the past few years, the concept of wellness has been trending and evolving in the event industry.

The act of wellness has become increasingly important with more and more people focusing on their health and well-being.  And by that, I mean, the mental, physical, social, financial, spiritual, environmental, and vocational aspects of their being. 

Understanding this trend is important for event organisers.  We must take notice and incorporate wellness into our events and of course our daily lives.

Wellness as part of an Event

Research tells us, incorporating wellness concepts into an event, will improve the overall event experience because it creates a feeling of a positive and healthy atmosphere.

There are many ways to achieve this.  It can be achieved using mindfulness activities, healthy food options, and physical activity.  But we should not forget as Bethany Brookshire said in her recent article in the Washington Post, the value of incorporating key elements like art and music into our daily lives as an important contributor to our physical and mental wellbeing.   

Today, many of us are seeking opportunities to prioritise our health and wellness.  Events that offer specific experiences like art and music and wellness options are becoming increasingly popular. By offering these types of experiences, event organisers can differentiate themselves from their competitors and create a unique value proposition for their participants.

For these reasons and many more, I am a big supporter of the proposed Autumn Feast. 

Jo Capp, Local Businesswomen and Event Specialist

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