We know Australia is a small business nation. We understand that small business in Australia is the backbone of the economy and the labour force.
The Toowoomba Business Sentiment Index survey is your chance to tell the Toowoomba Chamber about your business opportunities and challenges. That is why we have teamed up with our platinum partner Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise (TSBE) and Toowoomba Chamber member McCrindle to better understand the sentiment and perceptions of local businesses.
The research will assist us in standing up for the needs of local businesses. It will help guide us on those matters we need to influence policymakers. It will create a suite of evidence-based solutions specifically for the Toowoomba Local Government area
It will be known as the Toowoomba Business Performance Sentiment Index (Index) and will drive our focus to ensure we can influence policy for the betterment of local businesses and the community.
The Index will provide evidence of the issues and pressures facing local businesses, develop strategic data on the value and need of current and future programs and initiatives, deliver a clear understanding of how businesses are performing, identify the future sentiment of our business community, and detail how conditions are affecting the business community in Toowoomba.
create a clearer business picture

The aim of the project is to create a clearer picture of business trends, inform strategic thinking, discover insights, tell our story, and guide our journey.
The results help us see the impact of local policies, investment, and infrastructure development. The findings will also articulate and measure the impact of state and national issues and economic conditions on Toowoomba.
Ultimately, the research will create a platform to articulate the local business needs, forming a critical part of our activism at a local, state, and Australian government level. Enabling us, to better support and fight for the needs of the local business community.
The outcomes of the research will be presented by Australia’s leading social demographer and commentator Mark McCrindle on 14 July 2022 (tickets on sale soon). Mark is an award-winning social researcher, best-selling author, and influential thought leader, and he is regularly commissioned to deliver strategy and advice to the boards and executive committees of some of Australia’s leading organisations.
A key step in gathering the data is a survey. The survey has been launched and is currently live and can be accessed on the Toowoomba Chamber website. We encourage you to get online and fill out the survey. It will only take ten minutes and play your part in developing the list of needs for the business community, for now, and the future.
For more information, email the Toowoomba Chamber at admin@toowoombachambr.com.au